
About Our SmartFall

Falls are a significant cause of morbidity and mortality in the elderly. A robust and low-cost solution for the estimation of fall risk and detection of falls will allow seniors to live independently and reduce medical costs due to falls. Wearable devices have been developed to detect “hard falls”, namely falls that cause injury. However, many falls in the elderly do not cause physical injury (“soft falls”). These occur in association with weight transfer activities such as turning and sit-stand transitions. Indeed, the ability to control the position and movements of the trunk (“core”) is essential for coordinating the movements of the limbs during weight transfer. The goal of this project is to combine real-world limb-core dynamics of an individual with data collected by accelerometer via a commodity wristwatch and a cell phone on the opposite hip to improve the detection of hard and soft falls. A personalized fall risk analysis and detection model will be created for each user via real-time learning of the limb-core dynamics using state of the art machine learning algorithm. We will also assess the perceptions and preferences of elderly patients using this technology and evaluate their attitudes towards continuous data collection and sharing of health data for improved health. The software system, the real-world gait and weight transfer movement and the associated accelerometer data will be made freely available to any institution, investigator or research student interested in the study of machine learning on health conditions as well as on fall risk and analysis. This project will train graduate and undergraduate students in technical skills (machine learning, wearable technologies and data analysis skills) as well as in people skills for working with the elderly who live in long term care facilities.


11-2021: Funded Ph.D. Positions available

01-2022: One Crossmodal KD paper has been accepted to ICASSP 2022.

06-2022: Texas State professor enhancing safety for older adults through technology.

07-2022: Progressive Cross-Modal Knowledge Distillation for Skeleton-to-sensor Human Action Recognition accepted to ACM MM 2022

06-2023: One Transformer-based GAN paper has been accepted to ICAI 2023.

01-2024: One Cross-architecture KD paper has been accepted to FG 2024.

02-2024: Dr. Ngu presented Fall Detection Technologies to over 50 seniors at Price Center, San Marcos

03-2024: Pole balancing on the fingertip: Model-motivated machine learning forecasting of falls accepted to Frontier in Physiology

03-2024: The Impact of Synthetic Data on Fall Detection Application accepted to AIM 2024 Conference at Utah

03-2024: An Empirical Study on AI-Powered Edge Computing Architectures for Real-Time IoT Applications accepted to COMPSAC 2024

04-2024: One Crossmodal Transformer KD has been submitted to ICPR 2024.

05:2024: SmartFallMM: An inter-generational multimodal Human Activity Dataset for Cross-Modal submitted to CIKM 2024

07-2024: Dr. Ngu will be presenting AI-Powered Edge Computing Architecture at COMPSAC Conference in Japan

08-2024: Dr. Ngu will present Fall Detection Technologies to over 300 attendees at the Aging in Texas Conference in Austin


09-2021: Dataset for Fall Detection is avaliable here.

09-2021: Dataset for ADL from nine seniors participants is available here.

Project Members

Dr.Anne H. H. Ngu
Professor, TXST
Dr.Yan Yan
Assisstant Professor, IIT
Dr.Joshua Chang
Assisstant Professor, UT Austin
Dr.John G. Milton
Professor, CMC
Minakshi Debnath
Ph.D. student, TXST
Syed Tousiful Haque
Ph.D. student, TXST
Shahriar Kabir
Ph.D. student, TXST
Awatif Yasmin
M.S. student, TXST
David Torrente
M.S. student, TXST
Wyatt Mahoney
B.S. student, TXST
Rachel Medina
Executive Director, LiveOak
Dr.Kyong Hee Chee
Professor, TXST

Keshav Bhandari, Ph.D. 2018-2022.

Nader Maray, M.S. 2021-2023.

Jianyuan Ni, Ph.D. 2020-2024.

Research Works

  • Selected

Adaptive Cross-architecture Mutual Knowledge Distillation

Ni J., Tang H., Shang Y., Duan B, Yan Y.

The 18th IEEE International Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition, Istanbul, Turkey, 27-31 May 2024.

Multimodal ConvTransformer for Human Activity Recognition

Haque S.T. and Ngu A. H.

IEEE/ACM International Conference on Connected Health: Applications, Systems and Engineering Technologies Proceedings (CHASE 2024), June 19-21, Wilmington, DE, USA.

The Impact of Synthetic Data on Fall Detection Application

Debnath M., Kabir Md. S., Ni J., Ngu A. H

22nd International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Medicine (AIME 2024), July 9-12, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA

An Empirical Study on AI-Powered Edge Computing Architectures for Real-Time IoT Applications

Yasmin A., Mahmud T., Debnath M., Ngu A. H.

IEEE Computers, Software, and Applications Conference (COMPSAC 2024), July2-4, Osaka, Japan

Pole balancing on the fingertip: model-motivated machine learning forecasting of falls

Debnath, M., Chang, J., Bhandari, K., Nagy, D. J., Insperger, T., Milton, J. G., & Ngu, A. H.

Frontiers in physiology (2024)

P-Fall: Personalization Pipeline for Fall Detection on Wearable

Ngu A.H., Yasmin A., Mahmud T.,Mahmood A., Sheng Q.Z.


Generating Realistic Multi-class Biosignals with BioSGAN: A Transformer-based Label-guided Generative Adversarial Network

Li X., Ngu. A.H., Metsis V.,

ICAI 2023.

Transfer Learning On Small Datasets for Improved Fall Detection

Maray, N., Ngu, A. H., Ni, J., Debnath, M., Wang, L.

Sensors 2022.

Personalized Watch-based Fall Detection Using a Collaborative Edge-Cloud Framework

Ngu, AH, Metsis V., Coyne S., Srinivas P., Mahmud T., Chee KH.,

IJNS 2022.

Progressive Cross-modal Knowledge Distillation for Human Action Recognition

Ni, J., Ngu, A. H., & Yan, Y.

ACM MM 2022.

TTS-GAN: A Transformer-based Time-Series Generative Adversarial Network

Li, X., Metsis, V., Wang, H., & Ngu, A. H. H.

AIME 2022, Canada.

Cross-modal knowledge distillation for Vision-to-Sensor action recognition

Ni, J., Sarbajna, R., Liu, Y., Ngu, A. H., & Yan, Y.

ICASSP 2022,pp. 4448-4452

Collaborative Edge-Cloud Computing for Personalized Fall Detection

Ngu, A. H., Coyne, S., Srinivas, P., & Metsis, V.

AIAI 2021,pp. 323-336

SmartFall: A Smartwatch-Based Fall Detection System Using Deep Learning

Mauldin, T. R., Canby, M. E., Metsis, V., Ngu, A. H., & Rivera, C. C.

Sensors, 18(10), 3363.

Ensemble Deep Learning on Wearables Using Small Datasets

Mauldin, T., Ngu, A. H., Metsis, V., & Canby, M. E.

ACM Transactions on Computing for Healthcare, 2(1), 1-30.